You have items in your basket that are not currently available for delivery at this time.
Please remove the red highlighted items in your basket to proceed.
Please remove the red highlighted items in your basket to proceed.
This item is locked!
This item is not available for the delivery time you have selected.
To add this item to your cart for a future order, please schedule the order delivery time to be between 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
Main Menu
One choice of meat with rice.
Eggplant Omelet
Over Easy with Rice & Bacon
Omelet Fried Rice Adobo
Halo-Halo (Container)
Small Squid
Medium Squid
Large Squid
Extra Large Squid
One Choice Lunch Plate
Two Choice Lunch Plate
Three Choice Lunch Plate
Bento Lunch Plate
Bento Lunch Plate (Containers)
Medium Pan Meat
Large Pan Meat
Fountain Drinks
Menu SelectionsToggle visibility of Menu Selections
Your Order
CAA Market Place
Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
Ordering Info
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
The order minimum for delivery has not been met!
Your order subtotal must meet the delivery minimum to place this order for delivery.
Please select a menu type.
Items in the basket are not available for the time selected.
Remove the red highlighted items in your basket or select a different time to proceed.