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About Firehouse Subs - Fairview Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
Ordering Info
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This item is not available for the delivery time you have selected.
To add this item to your cart for a future order, please schedule the order delivery time to be between 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM.
Catering Menu
Feeds 10
Standard Platter
Comes with (2) large turkey subs, (2) large ham subs, (1) large roast beef sub.
Feeds 10
Deluxe Platter
Comes with (2) large turkey and ham, (2) large ham salami and pepperoni, (1) large turkey and roast beef.
Feeds 5
Half Platter - Subs & Salad
Comes with (1) large turkey sub, (1) large ham sub, (5) large roast beef, chopped salad with choice of salad dressing, and one gallon drink.
Feeds 5
Deluxe Half Platter - Subs & Salad
Comes with (1) large turkey and ham, (1) large ham salami and pepperoni, (5) large turkey and roast beef chopped salad with choice of salad dressing, and one gallon drink.
Box LunchesToggle visibility of menu section "Box Lunches"
Included in the box: chips, mayonnaise, deli mustard, and kosher dill pickle.
Included in the box: chips, mayonnaise, deli mustard, and kosher dill pickle.
Feeds 1
Rookie Box Lunch
A medium sub with choice of meat. Rookies include chips and a pickle.
Feeds 1
Lieutenant Box Lunch
A medium sub with choice of meat. The Lieutenant includes chips, cookie and a pickle.
Feeds 1
Dessert Combo Platter
12 Freshly baked cookies and 12 brownies.
Feeds 1
Gallon Tea
One gallon.
Feeds 1
Gallon Unsweet Tea
One gallon.
Feeds 1
Gallon Lemonade
One gallon.
Feeds 1
Gallon Lime-aid
One gallon.
Feeds 1
Gallon Lime-aid Light
One gallon.
Menu SelectionsToggle visibility of Menu Selections
Your Order
Firehouse Subs - Fairview
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
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Your order subtotal must meet the delivery minimum to place this order for delivery.
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