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Please remove the red highlighted items in your basket to proceed.
Please remove the red highlighted items in your basket to proceed.
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This item is not available for the delivery time you have selected.
To add this item to your cart for a future order, please schedule the order delivery time to be between 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Lunch Menu
Veggie Salad
Chicken Tender Salad
Grilled Chicken Salad
Mesquite Grilled Chicken Salad
Turkey Salad
Club Salad
Regular Green Salad
Double Hamburger
Double Cheeseburger
Mesquite Grilled Chicken
Grilled Cheese
BLT Basket
Chicken Tender (2)
Chicken Tender (3)
Turkey Ranch & Bacon
Turkey & Swiss Basket
Ham & Swiss Basket
Hot Dog Basket
Chili Dog Basket
Mesquite Grilled Chicken Deluxe
Catfish basket
Catfish fillet fries & bread
Hot Dog Only
Chili Dog Only
Cheese Cup & Chips
12 oz Cheese cup served with 2 medium bags of chips.
Abuelita Salsa and Chips
16 oz Cup of salsa served with 2 medium bags of chips.
Can Drink
Can drink.
3 wings & fries
3 wings & fries
10 Wings Drumettes & FriesToggle visibility of menu section "10 Wings Drumettes & Fries"
10 wins Drumettes & Fries
10 wins Drumettes & Fries
10 Wings Drumettes & Fries
10 wins Drumettes & Fries, wing sauce, celery, bread
Menu SelectionsToggle visibility of Menu Selections
Your Order
Grandma's Catering Express
Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
Ordering Info
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
The order minimum for delivery has not been met!
Your order subtotal must meet the delivery minimum to place this order for delivery.
Please select a menu type.
Items in the basket are not available for the time selected.
Remove the red highlighted items in your basket or select a different time to proceed.