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Main Menu
Shareables (Feeds 2)Toggle visibility of menu section "Shareables (Feeds 2)"
All portions feed 2 people
All portions feed 2 people
Jalapeño Pig Poppers
Bacon-wrapped, fire roasted jalapeños, stuffed with andouille, pimento cream cheese, glazed in Bourbon Brown Sugar BBQ sauce
S-M-Cheesesteak Egg Rolls
shaved ribeye, SMC (super melty cheese), provolone & sriracha ketchup
Burgers & SandwichesToggle visibility of menu section "Burgers & Sandwiches"
SMC = Super Melty Cheese | LTOP = Lettuce, Tomato, Onions & Pickles
SMC = Super Melty Cheese | LTOP = Lettuce, Tomato, Onions & Pickles
Real Cheezy Burger
80/20 ground beef, SMC, cheddar, LTOP, Donkey sauce, garlic buttered brioche
Bacon Mac N Cheese Burger
Guy’s Award-winning burger! Voted Best Burger In Las Vegas By Seven Magazine; Winner Of New York City Food And Wine Festival’s Burger Bash
80/20 ground beef, SMC, mac n cheese, bacon, LTOP, crispy onions, Donkey sauce, garlic buttered brioche
The Chicken Guy! Classic
Crispy, all-natural chicken breast, Chicken Guy! Signature seasoning, special sauce, LTOP, garlic buttered brioche
The Crazy Cuban Sandwich
Smoked pork, ham, Swiss cheese, pickles, mustard, Donkey sauce, pressed hoagie, crispy potato sticks
Cajun Chicken Alfredo
Cajun-spice, blackened chicken breast, white wine & parmesan alfredo sauce, sundried tomatoes, penne rigate
Chicken Parm-eroni
Breaded airline chicken breast, fresh mozzarella, provolone, pepperoni red sauce, crispy pepperoni hay, parmesan & spaghetti
Flavortown Fries
Mac Daddy Mac N Cheese
Fried Pickles & Ranch
Cheesecake Challenge
NY-style cheesecake topped with salted potato chips, crushed pretzels & fudge sauce
Chocolate Whiskey Cake
Whiskey crème anglaise, salted whiskey caramel sauce & crumbled toffee bar
Diet Pepsi
Sierra Mist
Aquafina Bottled Water
Menu SelectionsToggle visibility of Menu Selections
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Guy Fieri's Flavortown Kitchen - St. Paul
Delivery Area Saint Paul | Delivery Hours
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