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Main Menu
Bario Original RamenToggle visibility of menu section "Bario Original Ramen"
Thick noodles in soy sauce-flavored pork broth.
Thick noodles in soy sauce-flavored pork broth.
1. Bario Ramen
2. Bario Egg Ramen
3. Bario Charsiu Ramen
4. Bario Special Ramen
5. Bario Tokyo Onion Ramen
6. Bario Spicy Ramen
7. Bario Nori Seaweed Ramen
8. Bario Bean Sprout Ramen
9. Bario Corn Ramen
10. Bario Kimchee Ramen
Bario Original TsukemenToggle visibility of menu section "Bario Original Tsukemen"
Dipping noodles in soy sauce-flavored pork broth.
Dipping noodles in soy sauce-flavored pork broth.
11. Tsukemen
12. Egg Tsukemen
13. Charsiu Tsukemen
14. Special Tsukemen
15. Tokyo Onion Tsukemen
16. Spicy Tsukemen
17. Seaweed Tsukemen
18. Bean Sprout Tsukemen
19. Corn Tsukemen
20. Kimchee Tsukemen
31. Pork-N-Rice Garlic Syoyu
35. Pork-N-Fried Rice Garlic Syoyu
39. Fried Chicken-N-Fried Rice Bento
40. Dumplin-N-Fried Rice Bento
Menu SelectionsToggle visibility of Menu Selections
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Ramen Bario - Ala Moana
Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
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