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Please remove the red highlighted items in your basket to proceed.
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This item is not available for the delivery time you have selected.
To add this item to your cart for a future order, please schedule the order delivery time to be between 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
Main Menu
Sausage Kolache
Sausage & Cheese Kolache
Jalapeno, Sausage & Cheese Kolache
Ham & Cheese Kolache
Big Earl Sausage & Cheese Kolache
Big Earl Sausage, Jalapeno & Cheese Kolache
Glazed Donut
Iced & Filled Donut
Cake Donut
Mixed Dozen Donut
Donut Holes
Glazed Dozen Donut
Bullseye Pastry
Cinnamon Roll Pastry
Cinnamon Twists Pastry
Old Fashioned Cinnamon Roll Pastry
Butterfly Pastry
Filled Bar Pastry
Apple Fritter Pastry
Iced Nut Roll Pastry
Bear Claw Pastry
Hot Chocolate
French Vanilla Cappuccino
Soft Drink
Bottled Water
Chocolate Milk
Mexican Soda
Energy Drink
Sports Drink
Powerade - mountain berry blast.
Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
Ordering Info
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
The order minimum for delivery has not been met!
Your order subtotal must meet the delivery minimum to place this order for delivery.
Please select a menu type.
Items in the basket are not available for the time selected.
Remove the red highlighted items in your basket or select a different time to proceed.