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Main Menu
Best Dang Bar Burger
Choice of mustard, mayo, ketchup, or spanky's spicy sauce lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions on homemade bun.
Patty Melt
Served with Swiss and American cheese, grilled onions on toast.
Mayo or mustard. Bacon, lettuce, tomato on toasted bread.
The Spanky's Club
Choice of American, pepper jack, or Swiss. Turkey, ham, bacon, lettuce, and tomato with mayo on toast.
Grilled Hot Ham & Cheese
Choice of American, pepper jack, or Swiss on toast.
Street Tacos (5)
Choice of chicken or beef. Diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro.
Choice of chicken or beef. Diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro.
Fajita Burrito (2)
Choice of chicken or beef. Cheese, grilled onion, and jalapenos.
Asada Fries
Beefsteak with crispy french fries. Shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro.
Queso Nachos
Smothered with chili con queso, shredded cheese, and jalapenos.
Chips & Salsa
Chips & Queso
Seasoned Fries
Hand Battered Onion Rings
Cheese on a Stick
For 2.
Onion Rings & Fries Combo
Cheesy Bacon Fries
Corn Dog
Hand battered corn dog corn dog 7 style.
Sweet Tea (32 oz.)
Unsweet Tea (32 oz.)
Coke (32 oz.)
Diet Coke (32 oz.)
Dr Pepper (32 oz.)
Sprite (32 oz.)
Lemonade (32 oz.)
Prickly Pear Lemonade (32 oz.)
Strawberries & Cream
Peaches & Cream
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Spanky P's Pub Grub
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