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Main Menu
Mario a la Carte Shake
Vanilla ice cream with your choice of (1) topping, (1) drizzle, up to (2) cereals, and whipped cream.
Special K Red Berries Shake
Ice cream, white milk, raisin bran.
Krave Shake
Ice cream, white milk, krave.
Honey Bunches of Oats Shake
Ice cream, white milk, honey bunches of oats.
Golden Grahams Shake
Ice cream, white milk, golden grahams.
Cocoa Pebbles Shake
Ice cream, white milk, cocoa pebbles.
Apple Jacks Shake
Ice cream, white milk, apple jacks.
Frosted Flakes Shake
Ice cream, white milk, frosted flakes.
Lucky Charm Shake
Ice cream, white milk, lucky charms.
Oreo O's Shake
Ice cream, white milk, oreo o's.
Reese's Puff Shake
Ice cream, white milk, reeses puffs.
Cookie Crisp Shake
Ice cream, white milk, cookie crisps.
Cocoa Puff Shake
Ice cream, white milk, cocoa puffs.
Fruit Loop Shake
Ice cream, white milk, fruit loops.
Fruity Pebble Shake
Ice cream, white milk, fruity pebbles.
Vanilla Shake
Ice cream, white milk, whip cream
Chocolate Shake
Ice cream, white milk, chocolate syrup, whip cream
Strawberry Shake
Ice cream, white milk, frozen strawberries, strawberry syrup, whip cream
Caramel Shake
Ice cream, white milk, caramel syrup.
Butterscotch Shake
Ice cream, white milk, butterscotch syrup.
Classic Cookies N Cream
Ice cream, white milk, oreo cookies.
Malt Shake
Ice cream, white milk, malt balls.
Blueberry Shake
Ice cream, white milk, blueberry syrup.
Banana Shake
Ice cream, white milk, fresh banana.
Peanut Butter Shake
Ice cream, white milk, peanut butter, PB drizzle, whip cream.
Maple Shake
Ice cream, white milk, maple syrup, whip cream, garnish of choice.
Bang Energy Drink
Choice of flavor.
Monster Energy Drink
Choice of flavor.
Choice of flavor.
Full Throttle
Choice of flavor.
Red Bull
Choice of flavor.
Choice of flavor.
Choice of flavor.
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Spec Ops Gaming Lounge
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Ordering Info
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
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Your order subtotal must meet the delivery minimum to place this order for delivery.
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