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Main Menu
Chicken Salad
Romaine lettuce, cheese, bacon bites, cream, side of ranch.
Ham Salad
Romaine lettuce, cheese, bacon bites, cream, side of ranch.
Regular Taco
Your choice of meat, onion and cilantro.
Supreme Taco
Your choice of meat, lettuce, tomato, cream and cheese.
TortasToggle visibility of menu section "Tortas"
Bread, mozzarella cheese, lettuce, tomato, cream and jalapeno.
Bread, mozzarella cheese, lettuce, tomato, cream and jalapeno.
Steak Torta
Marinated Pork Torta
Shredded Beef Torta
Pork Sausage Torta
Pork Torta
Chicken Torta
Ground Beef Torta
Pork Rind Torta
Regular Burrito
Your choice of meat, beans, rice, onion, cilantro.
Supreme Burrito
Your choice of meat, beans, rice, lettuce, diced tomato, mozzarella cheese, cream.
Chicken, steak, onion, tomato, jalapeno, side of rice, side of beans, 6 corn tortillas.
PlatillosToggle visibility of menu section "Platillos"
Side of rice, side of beans, 6 corn tortillas. Side salad: Lettuce, tomato, cream.
Side of rice, side of beans, 6 corn tortillas. Side salad: Lettuce, tomato, cream.
Steak Platillo
Marinated Pork Platillo
Shredded Beef Platillo
Pork Sausage Platillo
Pork Platillo
Chicken Platillo
Ground Beef Platillo
Pork Rind Platillo
Steak Quesadilla
Marinated Pork Quesadilla
Shredded Beef Quesadilla
Pork Sausage Quesadilla
Pork Quesadilla
Chicken Quesadilla
Ground Beef Quesadilla
Pork Rind Quesadilla
GorditasToggle visibility of menu section "Gorditas"
Stuffed beans, stuffed lettuce, stuffed tomato, cream, cheese.
Stuffed beans, stuffed lettuce, stuffed tomato, cream, cheese.
Steak Gordita
Marinated Pork Gordita
Shredded Beef Gordita
Pork Sausage Gordita
Pork Gordita
Chicken Gordita
Ground Beef Gordita
Pork Rind Gordita
Steak Huarache
Marinated Pork Huarache
Shredded Beef Huarache
Pork Sausage Huarache
Pork Huarache
Chicken Huarache
Ground Beef Huarache
Pork Rind Huarache
Steak Sope
Marinated Pork Sope
Shredded Beef Sope
Pork Sausage Sope
Pork Sope
Chicken Sope
Ground Beef Sope
Pork Rind Sope
Chicken Fingers
Side of fries, side of ranch.
Loaded FriesToggle visibility of menu section "Loaded Fries"
Fries, lettuce, sour cream, tomato, cheese.
Fries, lettuce, sour cream, tomato, cheese.
Steak Loaded Fries
Marinated Pork Loaded Fries
Shredded Beef Loaded Fries
Pork Sausage Loaded Fries
Pork Loaded Fries
Chicken Loaded Fries
Ground Beef Loaded Fries
Pork Rind Loaded Fries
Delivery Area | Delivery Hours
Ordering Info
Booking fees & order minimums vary by your distance from the restaurant.
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